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With a historic enrollment of about 5,000 undergraduate and over 250 graduate students, the College is also the largest of its kind in Puerto Rico. It is the second producer of Hispanic engineers in the United. El desarrollo del postgrado es una prioridad porque nos permite fortalecer la investigacin y la innovacin tecnolgica y as contribuir al desarrollo de.Missing: tipos Must include: tiposDatabases: Emerging Sources Citation Index, Fuente Academica Premier, GeoRef, PERIODICA.Indexes and Directories: Publindex (Categoría B), DOAJ, Latindex, Sherpa/Romeo.Journal Portals: SciELO, Redalyc, REDIB, Dialnet. The Journal is edited by the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia and aims to contribute to the dissemination of impact research through the publication of articles, in English and Spanish, on research and innovation, reviews, and reflections, which represent an original production in the field of engineering. The presentation of articles for publication in the Journal has no associated cost, since this is funded by the publishing institution.

BRAZILA concern with a great number of bridges with significant pathological problems was the motivating factor to carry out this research. BRAZIL** Centro Universitário Adventista de Sao Paulo (UNASP). 05-24Identification and analysis of pathologies in bridges of urban and rural roadsNilson Tadeu Mascia* 1, Artur Lenz Sartorti*** Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas-SP.

This article also focuses on the design of bridges and its relationship with the pathological condition establishing concepts that could be applied to the corrective method and the pathology identification in concrete, steel and wood bridges. Thus, this study is based on the analysis of four bridges of this region, in which is presented several examples in situ of the pathological manifestations in concrete, steel and wood bridges. This article intends to show the conservation conditions of small and medium sized bridges in the urban and rural region of Campinas (SP)-Brazil. Furthermore, the transportation costs for producers and the maintenance for the local government continue to increase. However, the precarious conditions of bridges in the urban and rural areas make the displacement difficult, causing discomfort and unsafety for users.

For this purpose, it is necessary to review the issues related to bridge designs and pathologies in wood, steel and concrete structures. However, thousands of small bridges connect many people, offering them an access opportunity to necessary resources and a flow of production.Unfortunately, it is possible to notice that a majority of rural and urban bridges presents critical pathological conditions, offering risks to society's safety and producing financial losses.This article aims to collaborate on the pathology identification task in small and medium sized bridges. Nevertheless, taking into account technical literature on bridge classifications, it is necessary to consider several design aspects, such as transposed obstacles, side view, number of clear span, bearing area constituent material, traffic nature, etc.In general, it is acknowledged, technically, that there is an emphasis on large bridges with complex structural systems, without a proper consideration to the small and medium sized bridges.

Tipos De Ingenieria Professional Need For

However, structural efficiency is not always considered as a quality, but as a prerequisite for a correct design compared with other characteristics such as functionality, hydraulics, geotechnical engineering and aesthetics.In the design of a road bridge, design values of actions, ultimate and serviceability limit states should follow in accordance with the Brazilian code ABNT: NBR 8681 (2003) in which, for instance, the classification of actions is made for exceptional, variable and permanent ones. Therefore, a professional need for transportation, architecture, structure, geotechnical engineering, topography, hydraulics and other specialists are necessary for each project.When observing the structural aspect, it is noticed that the adequate bridge structural design is of major importance, as this will interfere with its feasibility, cost, functionality and aesthetics. The quality of a bridge can be measured with respect to its functional, structural, economic and esthetic success. Thus, in great and special designs, a multidisciplinary team is required.

Under a similar aspect, there will always be aesthetics committal and often, resistance capacity reduction, sometimes leading to a partial or total structure failure.With the constant increase in the structural pathological problems, Structure Pathology has been searched, not only for the pathology systematization but also the promotion of new technical conceptions. Also, the Engineering area which leads with pathologies is a part of it that studies systems, mechanisms, causes and origins of civil construction failures, i.e., that studies the parts which compose the problem diagnosis.Structural pathologies presented with bridges vary in intensity and incidence, may times causing high costs for their correction, as commented by Raina (2003). There are several construction methods for superstructures such as in situ concrete, precast concrete elements and successive spans.According to Ripper and Souza (1998), what is designated for Structural Pathology is the Building Engineering field that studies origins, manifest forms, consequences and mechanisms of failure occurrence and structure damage systems. Another concern is the resource allocation on the construction method, as Liebenberg (1993) highlighted, because the construction method is a very important factor on bridge structural solution choices. In this particular study, all step-by-step actions to be performed must be considered in order to guarantee the safety aspects of the construction, according to Pinho and Bellei (2007). The knowledge of structural static in conjunction with action combinations allows the designer to determine loading distribution.Liebenberg (1993) also states that even with data processing and computing updates, structural analysis interactive processes such as finite element method enabled designs of bridges to become more realistic and substituted numerable and difficult calculations.Hambly (1990) described sizing calculations such as checking the set of equilibrium equations, in total or part of structure, checking each section resistance and checking serviceability condition and second-order effects.After sizing and detailing each step, the constructive method selection should be the main concern.Bridge building and assembly require very careful studies.

According to Sartorti and Mascia (2010) therapeutic is responsible for studying these problem corrections and solutions. With a correct case estimate, it is possible for the involved professional to define one of the four common therapeutic measures in case of a pathological condition. Its life cycle may be extended significantly with a correct program of structural maintenance.Structural pathology study envelops a detailed problem analysis, describing its causes, manifest forms, occurrence mechanisms and structural maintenance and prophylaxis.

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